- This is done after the surgical scrub.
- Use an oscillating motion pat dry in drying the hands and arms. Start from the hand going to the arms.
- Do not dry hand then arms and return to the same hand.
- In drying the hand and arms, the hemline portion of the gown or a towel could be used. If a towel is used, dry one hand and arm on one end of the towel and use the opposite end to dry the other hand and arm.
- In serving the gown, do not turn your back on the sterile field to prevent contamination.
- In picking the gown from a sterile line pack, be careful not to touch any other articles in the pack with the bare hands.
Gowning (unassisted) :
- Lifts the folded gown directly upward from the sterile package.
- Steps back from the table into an unobstructed area
- Carefully locates the neckband and holds the inside front of the gown just below the neckband with both hands.
- Lets the gown unfold while keeping the inside of the gown toward the body without touching the sterile exterior of the gown with bare hands.
- Holds the hands at shoulder level and slips both arms into the armhole simultaneously.
Gowning (assisted) :
- This is done by the scrub nurse when she is already completely sterile.
- When serving the gown, the gloved hands should come in contact with the right side portion of the gown under the protecting cuff made.
- Show the opening and armholes to the surgeon.
- As soon as the surgeon inserted his hands through the armholes, leave it. The circulating nurse will fix it.
- Nurse will grasps ends of the gown’s belt without touching the upper part of sleeves of the gown.
- Nurse will ties the belt at the back of the gown, keeping belt ends away from the sterile part of the gown.
Gloving Procedure - Open
- Avoid contact of sterile gloves with ungloved hands during closed-glove procedure.
- For closed-glove method, never let the fingers extend beyond the stockinette cuff during the procedure. Contact with ungloved fingers constitutes contamination of the glove.
- For open-glove method, touch only the cuff of the glove with ungloved hand, and then only glove to glove for other hand.
- If contamination occurs during either procedure, both gown and gloves must be discarded and new gown and gloves must be added.
- When removing gloves after a procedure is finished, the gloves are removed after the gown is removed inside out, using glove-to-glove, then skin-to-skin technique.
Gloving Procedure - Closed
- With your right hands inside the gown’s sleeves, lift the glove by the cuff.
- Put thumb down or your upturned left palm, fingers of glove pointed toward your elbow.
- At this time, move your left hand so that your fingers are halfway down the cuff of your gown. Do not let them protrude from our gown cuff or touch the end of the cuff.
- With your right hand still inside the sleeve, take hold of the folded cuff of the left glove and pull it out and over the left hand and well over the cuff of the left sleeve.
- Take the right hand, still inside the sleeve, and grasp the left glove and gown cuff at the wrist and pull glove unto the hand.
- Proceed to the right hand the same way.
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